February, 2023 | BLOG

DOOH Advertising: 3 Keys to Achieve a Successful Campaign

DOOH Advertising: 3 Keys to Achieve a Successful Campaign
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DOOH Advertising: 3 Keys to Achieve a Successful Campaign

DOOH Advertising has been on the rise for the last 3 years, and it’s showing no sign of stopping any time soon. As it's gaining traction, more and more marketers are thinking of adding it to their digital strategy. Here are 3 keys to maximizing results.

DOOH advertising has revolutionized the way businesses reach their customers. Displayed on digital signages connected to a marketplace, it offers a more targeted, data-driven approach compared to traditional OOH advertising. With the use of programmatic, DOOH campaigns have become more cost-effective, personalized, and engaging.

As a programmatic platform, Beeyond allows marketers to plan details such as audience, placement, and schedule in real-time, making DOOH advertising more agile and relevant. Additionally, it can set dynamic creatives to respond to weather, time or event’s results, leading to contextually relevant messages delivered at the right time. 

As such, DOOH advertising offers a digital canvas that is smart, personalized, and memorable. With the ability to react in real-time and offer direct interaction, DOOH is a powerful tool for businesses looking to reach high-intent customers. Let's take a look at how you can unleash DOOH advertising’s full potential!

Planning is essential

When it comes to DOOH advertising, planning is the make or break:  you need to clearly define your goals and, specially, identify your target audience. This will help you understand their pain points, what attracts them, and craft an appropriate message that will resonate with them. 

In this regard, “where” and “when “are key questions that you need to ask about your audience. Knowing where your target customers are and how often they walk by a DOOH is just as important as the message itself. With Beeyond’s planner tool, you can take a look at the worldwide inventory and how much inventory you can target from it. 

As a versatile channel, DOOH advertising screens are widely located in multiple crowded locations, such as restaurants, malls, gyms, office buildings and airports, among other placements, where consumers regularly spend time and are most likely to see and interact with your message. 

It is crucial to understand how audiences, location, and devices interact in order to effectively plan a successful DOOH advertising campaign. By defining your goal, locating your target audience, and understanding their needs and pain points, you can craft a message that resonates and reaches them at the right place, at the right time. 

Embrace all the possibilities with dynamic creatives

Dynamic creative optimization (DCO) is a key aspect of DOOH advertising as it allows for real-time customization of creative media. It uses machine learning to optimize the delivery of the best creative at the right time, based on various factors such as weather, location, and time of day.

For example, a restaurant can promote breakfast at 9 am and lunch offers at 12 pm, and a beer brand can tailor its message depending on the outcome of a football match it sponsors. 

This real-time optimization of ads leads to higher accuracy and improved overall performance. 

With a platform like Beeyond, dynamic creative offers endless possibilities for DOOH advertising, as it allows brands to be in the moment and respond to the current conversation and events. It’s about adapting, planning for more than one scenario, and ultimately reaching for the most effective results. 

Easy buy, agile implementation

As we’ve seen before, DOOH advertising positions itself as a major player in the marketing landscape for the foreseeable future. But to make the most out of its potential, it is essential to find the right programmatic partner.

That’s why Beeyond prides itself on developing what the industry has dreamt of for years: an intuitive, fast and easy to use platform, with a simplified buying model where brands and agencies have access to worldwide DOOH inventory without intermediaries.

With so many variables at play, having a platform that makes planning, implementation and reporting as agile as possible becomes the make-or-break of any DOOH advertising campaign.

Integrate DOOH Advertising into your overall digital strategy

As out-of-home becomes more “digital”, turning into what we now call DOOH advertising, it also gets more agile, richer, and better able to play its part in a big idea, serving as a key component in any cross-channel campaign. 

It’s an ideal tool to include in your mobile and social media strategy, making sure it’s integrated into your overall message. It can create water-cooler moments, trigger word-of-mouth reactions and provide a richer and enhanced awareness for your brand. 

Are you ready to experience the power of DOOH advertising into your digital strategy? Request a demo today and start reaching Beeyond!